Rails Tutorial で何かのエラー

Railsのチュートリで、capybaraを入れたら下記警告が出たのでメモ。 とりあえず進むが、後で何かあれば戻ってくる。

IMPORTANT! Some of the defaults have changed in Capybara 2.1. If you're experiencing failures,
please revert to the old behaviour by setting:

    Capybara.configure do |config|
      config.match = :one
      config.exact_options = true
      config.ignore_hidden_elements = true
      config.visible_text_only = true

If you're migrating from Capybara 1.x, try:

    Capybara.configure do |config|
      config.match = :prefer_exact
      config.ignore_hidden_elements = false

Details here: http://www.elabs.se/blog/60-introducing-capybara-2-1